Become staff at our hockey camps!

SPECIAL INVITATION - SportWays TOP HOCKEY Clinic / Princess DUTCH Clinic Local Coaches are invited to be part of the FULL SportWays TOP Hockey Clinic as volunteer coaches every January. Unlike all other coaching clinics in SA, we are passionate about putting back into the local coaches hence local coaches are invited to this rare learning opportunity with the pro SportWays Technical Director coaches at NO CHARGE!

Experience magical moments!

Are you a teamplayer?

We have a special day of coach education specifically aimed at local coaches the day prior to the clinic. The local coaches are given a presentation by the SportWays TD's and also get on the pitch as the expert coaches do some demonstrations too! This is followed by a coaching team braai where food and drinks are provided. Then local coaches get to learn from the best by joining the pro SportWays Technical Directors coaches coaching team for the duration of the 2day or 4day clinic. Local coaches are given a free Princess SportWays Coaching shirt and cap. Lunch and drinks are covered daily.

Personal development

We want to share our knowledge with you so you have a chance to keep improving yourself. Whether you want to improve as a hockey trainer or give other personal skills an impulse, we will do our best to help you reach your goal. Therefore we annually organise multiple education days. 

SportWays Lab
inspire, educate, create

SportWays Lab is grown into a well known concept. The Lab is an international coaches community. Here, exchanging of hockey knowledge is the number one topic at hand. The participants are gathered from all over the world to inspire, educate and create together. Each year three different LAB's are organised at three different locations:
1. Amsterdam Lab
2. Barcalona Lab
3. Cape Town Lab

Barcelona lab
inspire, educate, create

The SportWays Lab in Barcelona is the biggest of the three labs. During a full week at hockey club Athletic Terressa, 20+ hockey coaches are preparing for the upcoming SportWays camps by creating new clinics and training exercises. Every year this group of international hockey coaches is inspired by some of the greats. The last couple of years we had the pleasure to welcome Max Caldas, Thomas Briels, Paul van As, Lucas Judge, Cecillia Ragnoni and Thomas Tichelman.

Continue to grow
inspire, educate, create

We offer a variety of training days, workshops and courses for both the overnight and day camps. Most of our SportWays staff start as a runner or trainer, but there are plenty of other opportunities as well. We organise various training days for the different roles at SportWays to ensure you are fully prepared for your new position. You will benefit from these new skills at SportWays and beyond! For example, we organise First Aid courses in cooperation with the Dutch Red Cross, devote a whole weekend to brainstorming sessions about creativity and organisation, you can attend a workshop “Presenting to a Group”, we exchange ideas about themes and recipes, and we can spend hours evaluating to make SportWays even better! Most key staff start SportWays training after four or five camps.

OUR day camps, from the age of 16


From the age of 16 you can join our day camps as a staff member. It is by far the most fun holiday job you can imagine. Working with kids who would love to learn new hockey tricks that you can teach them. During the camp our technical director will provide the hockey program and he or she will help you develop your training skills.

OUr overnight camps, from the age of 18


When you reach the magical age of 18 you are able to join our overnight camps as a staff member. Join our group of amazing staff members from all corners of the world and expand your international circle of friends and network. We will promise you that you will make friends for life. During the entire summer we are looking for runners, trainers and domestic staff. Ready for the experience of a life time?

Our Staff Functions

There are a lot of different roles within the staff group of a camp. Think about trainers, supervisors, camp managers and domestic staff. Depending on your experience and abilities, you can work towards a role with more responsibilities. When you start your adventure at SportWays, you will either start as a trainer or as a runner.

Learn from the best

You are the person the kids look up to because you will be their coach. Every day you will give them personal tips to make each and everyone of them a better hockey player or goalie. 
Of course you will also lead them on the way to the tournament victory and during all the crazy social activities. You are a role model to the kids, you are their hero! 

What we ask is that you have a bit of experience on the pitch and of course the more experience you have the better it is. But the most important thing is your passion for hockey and your enthusiasm to create an insane camp experience for all the kids. 

Technical Director
The Hockey Mastermind

They call you the TD in other words the Technical Director. As a TD you are the one who is responsible for the hockey program of the camp. You design the clinics, training sessions and workshops with the goal to make it challenging for everybody attending the camp. You will get your inspiration out of the technical database of SportWays written by top level trainers en coaches. Together with the Field Coordinators you will instruct the trainers en runners to create a perfect hockey session on the pitch. 

Tournament Director
Highlight of the week 

The ultimate goal for the kids is to win the tournament at the end of the week! It is your responsibility to make this tournament a legendary tournament. You will make sure everything runs smoothly. You will explain the rules to the kids and staff and will create the match table and fixtures. 
Last but not least the tournament final. The epic ending of an amazing week is in your hands. The winners will become legends!

Field coordinator

The pitch is your kingdom

As a Field Coordinator you are responsible for one of the pitches during the training sessions. It is your job to make the pitch is set up as it was intended by the Technical Director but also to instruct the trainers and guide them trough the training session. 
You will observe on the pitch and help out where needed. The goal is to help the trainers and the kids to achieve their highest potential on the hockey pitch. 

The engine of the camp

The runner is the glue that holds a camp together. You will always make sure your that all the materials are at right place at the right time, you are the engine of the camp. Your main focus will be to help the Technical Director and the Field Coordinators to set up the pitch for the training sessions. As a runner you get the chance to learn from all the other functions of the camp! Most of our staff members started as a runner, the perfect way to learn SportWays. 

Camp manager
Our team captain!

A Camp Manager is one of our most experienced staff members on the camps. The SportWays Ethical Code is your bible and you will lead the charge. Your are in the lead of a group of staff members with the goal to create an amazing camp for all the participants. 
You will guide the core staff (Supervisor, Technical Director, Lead Social and Lead Domestic) to ensure that everything runs smoothly. 

The facilitator 

As a Supervisor you're the one who arranges everything behind the scenes. You will watch over the finance and all the medical necessities.  If need be, you are the one who will be in touch with the outside world. For example be in contact with parents, the club or SportWays Office. To be a Supervisor you need a few years of SportWays experience. We will help you to get the medical and logistical  knowledge you need to fulfill this role perfectly. 

domestic staff

Kitchen is your domain

The domestic staff is responsible for the food and beverages on the camp. It is their job to make sure everybody eats well and is ready to face the day filled with hockey. Lead Domestic will be in charge of domestic staff, a group of 2 to 4 staff members. Together they prep the meals during the day. You will be supported by a professional caterer for the warm meals. And of course you will think off great games to decide who will do the corvee this time... 

Social Staff

Vibe masters!

The social staff gets the honour to keep the SportWays vibe going. That vibe that is so hard to describe but what makes it such a magical camp. You will create games that will be played in the evening and all come together in the golden thread of the week! The golden thread is a theme that runs trough the week. for example Disney, Mario Kart and Pirates of the Caribbean. You will submerge the camp into that theme from games, to slogans and decorations. You are the mad man of the camp and crazy as a bat.