Become staff at our hockey camps!
SPECIAL INVITATION - SportWays TOP HOCKEY Clinic / Princess DUTCH Clinic Local Coaches are invited to be part of the FULL SportWays TOP Hockey Clinic as volunteer coaches every January. Unlike all other coaching clinics in SA, we are passionate about putting back into the local coaches hence local coaches are invited to this rare learning opportunity with the pro SportWays Technical Director coaches at NO CHARGE!
Experience magical moments!

Are you a teamplayer?
We have a special day of coach education specifically aimed at local coaches the day prior to the clinic. The local coaches are given a presentation by the SportWays TD's and also get on the pitch as the expert coaches do some demonstrations too! This is followed by a coaching team braai where food and drinks are provided. Then local coaches get to learn from the best by joining the pro SportWays Technical Directors coaches coaching team for the duration of the 2day or 4day clinic. Local coaches are given a free Princess SportWays Coaching shirt and cap. Lunch and drinks are covered daily.

The road to a camp
All you need to do is get involved and have a blast with us while learning from the BEST! We only ask you be so kind as to spread the word about the SportWays TOP HOCKEY Clinic to ALL your players. We can email you a flyer or drop off flyers at your club / school for you to distribute - please contact us asap at Otherwise hit those whatsapp groups, school communicators and share the message on social media (SportWays has facebook, twitter and instagram)! The staff registration function via this website is now working via Coaches will be notified by the end of November if they have been accepted to participate in the SportWays TOP HOCKEY Clinic in January. If you clicked on the STAFF link looking for contact details of the clinic coordinators - please click here. Read a first hand account here about how SportWays SA coaches can see the world! A reward for their loyalty to SW, their passion for hockey and coaching and they top coaching ability!
Personal development
We want to share our knowledge with you so you have a chance to keep improving yourself. Whether you want to improve as a hockey trainer or give other personal skills an impulse, we will do our best to help you reach your goal. Therefore we annually organise multiple education days.

OUR day camps, from the age of 16
From the age of 16 you can join our day camps as a staff member. It is by far the most fun holiday job you can imagine. Working with kids who would love to learn new hockey tricks that you can teach them. During the camp our technical director will provide the hockey program and he or she will help you develop your training skills.
OUr overnight camps, from the age of 18
When you reach the magical age of 18 you are able to join our overnight camps as a staff member. Join our group of amazing staff members from all corners of the world and expand your international circle of friends and network. We will promise you that you will make friends for life. During the entire summer we are looking for runners, trainers and domestic staff. Ready for the experience of a life time?

Our Staff Functions
There are a lot of different roles within the staff group of a camp. Think about trainers, supervisors, camp managers and domestic staff. Depending on your experience and abilities, you can work towards a role with more responsibilities. When you start your adventure at SportWays, you will either start as a trainer or as a runner.